European Championships inline hockey
From August 1st till August 4th, the European Championships inline hockey U16 and U18 are held in Roana Italy. The RBIHF inline is participating with both age groups.
As inline hockey is not yet as big as ice hockey, the number of participating teams is limited allowing Belgium to play with top hockey countries like Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, France, Italie, ...
A unique opportunity for our Belgium players to learn form the best of the best and compete some of these A-Pool countries. In the first days of the tournament Belgian played Czech Republic, Sweden, France, Italy and Slovenia. No need to say that Team Belgium faced tough competition.
Remarkably, the Belgians sold their skin not cheap. Most of the games Belgium managed to keep-up with the competitors for a big part of the first period. But so far we did mange to capture a victory yet. Check out the CERIHL website at https://cerilh.comfor all competition information and links to view the games live on youtube or visit our inline-NT U16-U18 facebook page.
Inline hockey in Belgium is growing and both ice hockey and inline hockey are benefitting. Every year more and more players participate in both competitions organised by the RBIHF. Today both National ice-hockey and inline program include players that started in the opposite sport.