Membership applications back on track Membership applications back on track

Our new website is now up and running for 1 week. Beside several very positive reactions from clubs, players and spectators we also received some bug reports in the first hours of the new website. Thanks to a perfect support we managed to keep the impact limited but we like to take this opportunity to excuse ourselves for the inconvenience caused to those how experienced some difficulties uploading pictures, logging in or looked for specific documents.

Currently all reported issues have been rectified and the applications are getting back on track. You will notice at several areas that new functionality was added adjusted. We therefore advise to take your time when applying online for your 2013 - 2014 membership and read all information well before committing. In case you would come across any abnormality please do not hesitate to report this to the webteam via . We will do whatever needed to fix the reported issue as fast as possible.

Posted on September 7, 2013 at 17:00 by MV

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