Koninklijke Belgische IJshockey Federatie
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Team Belgium
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League statistics
Quarter Final Bene
8 teams
Chiefs Leuven
Heylen Vastgoed Hyc
Liege Bulldogs Ice Hockey Club
Mechelen Golden Sharks
Snackpoint Eaters Limburg
Ultimair Hijs Hokij
Unis Flyers Heerenveen
Zoetermeer Panters
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Saloranta Ville Juhani
Heylen Vastgoed HYC
2. Ruotsalainen Henri
Unis Flyers Heerenveen
3. Kolodziejczyk Bryan
Liege Bulldogs Ice Hockey Club
4. Hunt Trevor
Unis Flyers Heerenveen
5. Morgan Mitch
Heylen Vastgoed HYC
6. Niddery Chad
UltimAir Hijs Hokij
7. Niskanen Roope Juhani
Heylen Vastgoed HYC
8. Melissant Jeffrey
UltimAir Hijs Hokij
9. Kolodziejczyk Andy
Liege Bulldogs Ice Hockey Club
10. Nikkila Roope
Unis Flyers Heerenveen
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game