Koninklijke Belgische IJshockey Federatie
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Team Belgium
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League statistics
Junior Under 19
7 teams
Antwerp Phantoms
Bulldogs Liege
Charleroi Red Roosters
Chiefs Leuven Black
Chiefs Leuven White
Coldplay Sharks
Hyc Herentals
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Vandezande Matteo
Chiefs Leuven Black
2. Floyd Griffin
Chiefs Leuven Black
3. Zweegers Sebastiaan
HYC Herentals
4. Bogaerts Vincent
HYC Herentals
5. Koscher-ganslandt Adrien
Coldplay Sharks
6. Poukens Ian
Chiefs Leuven White
7. Gentry Tobi
HYC Herentals
8. Filipovic Alen
Coldplay Sharks
9. Vandromme Cyril
Bulldogs Liege
10. Van Den Bosch Lars
Antwerp Phantoms
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game