Koninklijke Belgische IJshockey Federatie
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Team Belgium
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League statistics
Division 3
8 teams
Antwerp Phantoms
Chiefs Leuven
Coldplay Sharks
Flashguns Heist B
Flying Turtles
Hyc New Stars
Liedekerke Lions Blue
Liedekerke Lions Yellow
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Verschoren Nico
Flashguns Heist B
2. Pain Louis
Liedekerke Lions Blue
3. Jimenez Popa Emilio
Flying Turtles
4. Sleeckx Erwin
Flashguns Heist B
5. Claassens Bastiaan
Coldplay Sharks
6. Uytterhoeven Tom
Flashguns Heist B
7. Holowachuk Scott
Liedekerke Lions Blue
8. Stegmann Neal
Coldplay Sharks
9. Camacho Fielding Adrian
Flying Turtles
10. Ceulemans Cis
Flashguns Heist B
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game