Koninklijke Belgische IJshockey Federatie
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Team Belgium
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League statistics
Division 1
11 teams
Antwerp Phantoms
Bulldogs Liège
Chiefs Leuven
Cold Play Sharks
Hyc Toekomstteam Herentals
Ihc Beaufort
Limburg-one Haskey
Olympia Heist
Red Roosters
The Jets Gullegem
Turnhout Tigers
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Welter Benny
IHC Beaufort
2. Piro Marco
Red Roosters
3. Verherstraeten Alexander
Olympia Heist
4. Raekelboom Jesse
Cold Play Sharks
5. Poulin Francis
Red Roosters
6. Houdremont Ben
IHC Beaufort
7. Vekemans Thomas
Turnhout Tigers
8. Swennen Stefaan
Cold Play Sharks
9. Serneels Glenn
Olympia Heist
10. Luyckx Lorenz
Turnhout Tigers
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game