Womens Netherlands


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League rules

Duration: 3x20 min
Overtime: Yes, 5 min
Penalty Shots: Yes
Time-out: 1 time-out of 0.5 min


Ranking for Womens Netherlands
Won: 3 points | Won after overtime or penaltyshots: 2 points | Lost after overtime or penaltyshots: 1 point | Lost: 0 points
More statistics.

Upcoming games

# Date Hour Location Home Visit
1826 02 Nov 2024 11:40 Herentals Hyc Girls Nl Alcmaria Flames Flaming Ladies
1819 09 Nov 2024 11:40 Herentals Hyc Girls Nl Eindhoven Kemphanen Vrouwen
1820 14 Dec 2024 11:40 Herentals Hyc Girls Nl Unis Flyers Heerenveen Vrouwen
1822 01 Mar 2025 11:40 Herentals Hyc Girls Nl Amsterdam Tigers Vrouwen