In Memoriam of Johan Bollue

The Board of Directors inform you with sadness, as with gratitude for what he has meant for our Ice Hockey Sport in Belgium and far beyond national boarders, the passing of Johan Bollue.

Johan Bollue
Vice-President Royal Belgium Ice Hockey Federation,
Director Sports Development Royal Belgium Ice Hockey Federation,
Manager Development, International Ice Hockey Federation.

Almost 15 years Johan was a very committed Board Member, valued colleague, and dear friend.

Our thoughts and support go out to his wife, children, family, and friends. Additional information concerning the funeral will be shared at a later moment in consultation with the family.

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Royal Belgium Ice Hockey Federation

Johan Bollue

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Sergi Giménez (Spain)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 13:07

I have received the news with the greatest of sadness. I met Johan in Vierumäki for the first time many years ago, where he became my mentor coach. Since then, we have been in touch on many occasions, and his brilliant personality always made me feel comfortable. It is a great loss for the Belgian Federation, and of course much more so for his family. Kindly pass my condolences to Johan's family and let them know what a great person he was.

With sorrow,

Sergi Giménez

Familie Palmaerts
Friday 29 October 2021 - 13:03

Wij willen jullie heel veel sterkte wensen bij dit grote verlies .
Bedankt Johan voor de al de fijne jaren van samenwerking ,
we gaan je missen .

Familie Palmaerts ,

Frank , Sandra
Ilya en Eneas

Marc Fransen (RBIHF Hello Player Development Program)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 13:03

Impossible to put in words how we feel,...
Johan is our Friend, Mentor and leader of the Hello Player Family.
We created the Hello Player program as a ship for all young hockey players in Belgium, with clear goals and targets, now the ship has lost it's captain,...
Our thoughts go out to Johan's Family and friends.

Vidar Gardarsson (Former President Ice Hockey Iceland)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 13:03

Genuine Ice Hockey person with passion and love for growing the sport.
Rest in peace dear friend.

Xavier Cherta (Real Federación Española de Deportes de Hielo)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 13:01

I receive with sadness the bad news about Johan. We meet just few weeks ago in Skt. Petersburg where he explained us some funny stories about his experience teaching hockey around the world. That's how I will remember him, enjoying life and hockey. From Barcelona, my most sincere condolences to the family.

Linda Meijer
Friday 29 October 2021 - 13:00

Heel veel sterkte aan familie en iedereen die dichtbij hem stond

Freddy Aben (HYC U19)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 13:00

Gecondoleerd met dit enorme verlies.

Jan Van Beveren (Antwerp Phantoms)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 12:59

Johan, we zullen je ongelooflijk missen, niet alleen wat je voor het ijshockey hebt betekent, maar zeker als vriend.
Veel sterkte aan de familie en vrienden.
R.I.P Johan.

Coldplay Sharks (Ijshockey club Mechelen)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 12:59

Wij als Bestuur en leden van Coldplay sharks Mechelen,
willen jullie heel veel sterkte wensen bij dit grote verlies .
Bedankt Johan voor de al de fijne jaren van samenwerking ,
we gaan je missen .

Mvg ,
Crabbé Sandra
Coldplaysharks Secretariaat

Tina Moons (Women's Ice Hockey Committee)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 12:58

Vanuit het WIC willen we de familie, vrienden en collega's veel sterkte wensen bij het verlies. Onze samenwerking ging nog maar enkel seizoenen terug, maar we stonden net aan de start van grote stappen voor de vrouwenijshockey in België en dit door de vele inspiraties die Johan steeds had. Dit is echt een groot verlies en we gaan hem missen. Graag sluit ik af met de boodschap dat achter de tranen van verdriet, schuilt de glimlach van herinneringen. Het ga je goed Johan !