Fédération Royale Belge de hockey sur glace
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League statistics
Division 4
9 teams
Antwerp Phantoms
Brussels Capitals
Bulldogs Liege
Charleroi Red Roosters
Coldplay Sharks
Heavy Hitters Heist
Hyc Funny Stars
Hyc New Stars
Liedekerke Lions
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Peeters Ward
HYC Funny Stars
2. Emonts-pohl Sasha
Bulldogs Liege
3. Clarino Flavio
Bulldogs Liege
4. Derboven Bjorn
Antwerp Phantoms
5. Dockier Jordan
Bulldogs Liege
6. Laeremans Brent
HYC New Stars
7. Renaut Georgy
HYC Funny Stars
8. Schelles Robin
Heavy Hitters Heist
9. Peeters Keeanu
HYC Funny Stars
10. Witvrouwen Yannick
HYC New Stars
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game