Fédération Royale Belge de hockey sur glace
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League statistics
Division 3
9 teams
Antwerp Phantoms
Charleroi Red Roosters
Chiefs Leuven
Coldplay Sharks
Flashguns Heist B
Flying Turtles
Hitmen Heist
Hyc New Stars
Mighty Penguins
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Golovko Nikolay
Chiefs Leuven
2. Lipari Lorenzo
Charleroi Red Roosters
3. Boonen Pieter
Chiefs Leuven
4. Diercxsens Nicolas
Mighty Penguins
5. Lepers Michael
Charleroi Red Roosters
6. Timmermans Martin
Mighty Penguins
7. Busseniers Luca
Chiefs Leuven
8. De Smedt Kristof
Coldplay Sharks
9. St-pierre Michel
Flying Turtles
10. Vleugels Robbe
Coldplay Sharks
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game