Fédération Royale Belge de hockey sur glace
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League statistics
Division 3
9 teams
Eisberen Heist O/d Berg
Hitmen Heist O/d Berg
Hyc New Stars Herentals
Hyc Old Stars Herentals
Icetigers Turnhout
Limburg One
Phantoms Antwerp
Red Roosters Charleroi
Tbc Maaseik
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Ceulemans Raf
Eisberen Heist o/d Berg
2. Mihaly Imre
IceTigers Turnhout
3. Probst Ulrich
Red Roosters Charleroi
4. Bunyan Tim
Eisberen Heist o/d Berg
5. Enderla Milan
IceTigers Turnhout
6. Op Den Kamp Michael
TBC Maaseik
7. Dupont Guy
HYC Old Stars Herentals
8. Charvat Dusan
Eisberen Heist o/d Berg
9. Broeckx Roel
IceTigers Turnhout
10. Michiels Tom
HYC Old Stars Herentals
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game