Dave, Amy, Matthew & Stefan Anderson (Leuven Ice Hockey)
Saturday 30 October 2021 - 00:42
Dear Johan’s family and friends - we are so sad to hear this news as Johan played such a special role in all of our lives though his coaching and friendship with us at Leuven. He gave me (Dave) the chance to coach the kids over many years, he coached our sons (Stefan and Matthew) with such care and dedication and he was a friend to all of us. Please know how much he positively influenced so many through his kind actions and wise words - he sure will be missed and please accept our deepest sympathies. The Andersons
Van Den Bergh Martijn (Ice skating center mechelen)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 23:19
Veel sterkte gewenst bij dit enorme verlies.
Met oprechte medeleven de ijsmeester van mechelen.
Je zult enorm worden gemist Johan.
Philippe Cools (HYC)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 23:15
Wat een enorm verlies, je hebt ons zoveel bijgebracht Johan.
ik zal onze fantastische ervaringen tijdens de U18 kampioenschappen nooit vergeten.
je woorden " kom Phil we gaan uit de wind zitten" zal ik nooit vergeten.
voor altijd in men hart.
veel sterkte aan de familie.
rust zacht vriend.
Robert Alf Jonsson (NTG Hockey Norway)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 23:11
Hvil i frid våre tanker går til familie .
Lou Vairo (Former employee of USA Hockey for 35 years)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 22:59
I had the pleasure of meeting Johan on several occasions. He was bigger than life itself. A kind caring And a very smart man who taught kids and coaches with passion and leadership qualities. I so respected Johan and was grateful that our beloved sport had such a man. I was not a stranger to Belgium having led several teams there to play friendly games .I have A special place in my heart for the amazing people of this wonderful country. I extend my deepest condolences to his family, friends and fellow countrymen. I was coaching in Tilburg the Nederland for a year and would drive every Sunday morning to Belgium for waffles, we so enjoyed them. It was a family outing. I as many will always appreciate and remember OUR friend Johan. For sure he will be an Angel.
Lou Vairo, with respect.
Harry Thompson (USA Hockey)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 22:56
During the World Hockey Summit in Toronto in 2010, I met Johan and attended a Major League Baseball game with him and Peter Elander of the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation. It was truly an international experience in which I could share my country's national pastime with two great people involved in our game. The memories of that day spent with Johan and Peter are some of the fondest of my 22 years working with USA Hockey. Johan did so much for so many and asked for nothing in return. Our sport is much better for having someone like Johan involved and helping the next generation of players love the game as much as he did.
Per Henrik Nygård (Skedsmo Ishockeyklubb Norge)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 22:30
Mine tanker til familien, en god venn fra LTP camper i Vierumäki 2009 og 2011, en mann som gav oppmerksomhet og tillitt .til alle. Hvil i fred Johan
Fabian Fondu (Charleroi Hockey Academy /Red Roosters/Wolves Charleroi)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 22:14
Toutes nos sincères condoléances à la famille.
Courage à tous
De Clercq Pieter (Sport Vlaanderen Hasselt)
Friday 29 October 2021 - 22:04
Veel sterkte aan alle familieleden en vrienden
Maxime Baudon
Friday 29 October 2021 - 21:36
Veel sterkte aan iedereen! Verlies van een heel mooi man.