BEVEREN : Congratulations to the HUSKIES for their victory in the National Division 2!
They secured the first place and brought the cup to Beveren. In the final game, they defeated DOGS EEKLO with a score of 9-6. It's impressive that this young and promising team managed to claim their third title in National 2 over the past 10 seasons. Well done! 

Posted on May 5, 2024 at 15:36 by MV

HASSELT ? This weekend, the ice hockey club HASKEY, the local figure skating club and speed skating club are joining forces in the fight against cancer. The ice sport, together with the Hasselt Levevensloop organization kom-op- tegen-kanker, organizes a 24-hour sports event. Sports activities are planned non-stop at the ice rink in Hasselt from Saturday 5 p.m. to Sunday 5 p.m. to support the fight against cancer.

Skating sessions, hockey initiation, a night tournament, youth development tournament, a disco skating session, all for the benefit of the organization levensloop.

Posted on May 5, 2024 at 09:30 by MV

LEUVENIn the inline competition division 3, the Belgian championship winner for the 2023-2024 season was celebrated after winning from white sharks. With still 2 more games to play, Chiefs is ...

Posted on May 5, 2024 at 09:00 by MV

BEAUMONT - After an intense match against the Lapwings and a 2nd match against the Wolves, the Chap's won the title of Belgian champion in the U20 category even before their last match of the season.


Posted on April 8, 2024 at 08:48 by AL

The new ice hockey season is arround the corner and just like every season start is the RBIHF planning Certification clinics for Referees, Bench Officials and coaches. These clinics are essential to participate to the Belgian competition.?

Posted on August 1, 2023 at 08:44 by FVA


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