Royal Belgian Ice Hockey Federation
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Team Belgium
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League statistics
Friendly Games Belgium Ice
7 teams
Belgium National Team U20
Belgium National Teams U18
Chiefs Leuven
Coldplay Sharks Cehl/d1
Dordrecht Lions
Ext Tegenstander
Haskey Hasselt
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Gommeren Guillaume
Belgium National teams U18
2. De Bruijn Kick
Belgium National teams U18
3. Miller Erik
Chiefs Leuven
4. Cote Jeremy
Chiefs Leuven
5. Gentry Tobi
Belgium National team U20
6. Steyaert Iniaz
Chiefs Leuven
7. Tsaplin Maksim
Coldplay Sharks CEHL/D1
8. Egle Verners
Coldplay Sharks CEHL/D1
9. Monsieurs Mitya
Belgium National teams U18
10. Staps Cas
Coldplay Sharks CEHL/D1
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game