Royal Belgian Ice Hockey Federation
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Team Belgium
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League statistics
Quarter Finals Beneleague
8 teams
Eg Diez-limburg
Ehc Die Bären Neuwied
Heylen Vastgoed Hyc
Leuven Chiefs 1space Design-ac
Liege Bulldogs Ice Hockey Club
Snackpoint Eaters Limburg
Ultimair Hijs Hokij
Unis Flyers Heerenveen
Chart options
Top Scorers
1. Rajala Juuso
EHC Die Bären Neuwied
2. Kolodziejczyk Bryan
Liege Bulldogs Ice Hockey Club
3. Morgan Mitch
Heylen Vastgoed HYC
4. Turcotte Hugo
EG Diez-Limburg
5. Lavallee Jason
EG Diez-Limburg
6. Vasilyev Alexander
Heylen Vastgoed HYC
7. Turpijn Joy
UltimAir Hijs Hokij
8. Reinhardt Hugo
Liege Bulldogs Ice Hockey Club
9. Van Sloun Lars
Snackpoint Eaters Limburg
10. Smith Jeff
EHC Die Bären Neuwied
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game
Total goal for/against
Average goal for/against per game
Penalty total
Penalty average per game