Lords Of The Citadel vs Dogs

Division 2 - Game #2233






08 April 2023 - 19:30
Avenue des Deportes 48, 1367 RAMILLIES, Belgium
Function Lic Name
Referee 2773 Merken Jean-marie
Referee 24833 Stassin Max
Official Scorer 23334 Beaumont Virginie
Timekeeper 24668 Schmit Nicolas
Pos Nr Lic Name
GO3524206Renard Gauthier
GO4621832Halipre Luc
DF1135476Ubbelohde Simon (A)
DF5735479Vandercamme Valerian (A)
DF6624035Merken Michael
DF6821892Monnoye Nellias
DF8621955Tonneau Gabriel
DF8821644De Cremer Francois
FW321643De Cremer Matthieu (C)
FW724046D'ursel Clyde
FW835474Vandercamme Julian
FW1623506Guiot Robin
FW2923528Jacoby Francois
FW4220974Mullie Alexandre
CO24016Guiot Thierry
Pos Nr Lic Name
GO3335873Van Rie Luka
DF235666Verstraete Emmy
DF2723087De Guchtenaere Jarne (A)
DF292615Goethals Joke
DF302654Verschoote Christof (C)
FW32635Stevens Jarno
FW3922655De Guchtenaere Lotte
FW9819335Van Durme Rhune
FW9917015Van Durme Thibault
CO17121Augustyn Arn

Past duels